Blank Pages


How do you download the files? Click on the hyper-link name in the RIGHT-CLICK TO DOWNLOAD column with your right mouse button. (You don't want to click with the left mouse button. This may cause the file to be displayed in your browser rather than being downloaded). A dialog box should appear. If you're using Internet Explorer,  choose "Save Target As ...".  If you're using some other browser, choose the option to save the file.  You then just follow the prompts to pick a location to save the file to on your PC.

These pages all have one of more lines of text that you can overtype (or delete) to create your own customized blank pages. Just click on the line of text you want to change or delete and type in your own text. When you're done typing your line of text press the <Enter> key. It's particularly important to press the <Enter> key after typing the last line of text you enter or your entry may not get printed. Once you've entered the text you want, printing these pages is exactly like printing any other album page file. They're all only one page long, but you can choose to print multiple copies.

Page Type

Quadrilled Page Download
Title Page Download
Big Title Page Download
Country Name + 1 line of text below Download
Country Name + 2 lines of text below Download
Country Name + 3 lines of text below Download
Country Name + 4 lines of text below Download
Larger Country Name + large text block below Download